• 8oz. noodles (we used mung bean because they’re healthier)

  • 4oz. TITO CRUNCH

  • 1 TBSP miso

  • 1 TBSP fish sauce

  • 1 TBSP soy sauce

  • 1 TBSP mirin

  • 1 TBSP crushed white sesame seeds

  • 4oz. roasted mushrooms

  • 4oz. roasted turnip

  • 4oz. steamed broccoli (we used Chinese broccoli)

  • picked cilantro

  • scallions sliced on bias

  1. cook noodles in salted water, strain and cool

  2. in a large enough sauce pan add TITO CRUNCH, miso, fish sauce, soy sauce and mirin

  3. add noodles and coat

  4. plate and add veggies, garnish with cilantro and scallions

 Other things to add: Minced pork, chicken, beef, steamed shrimp, soy egg, poached egg, miso egg, roasted vegetables, pickled vegetables
